Some of Sunday's happenings
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It was Easter so we had an Easter Tree...
...and an Easter Breakfast.
And we had Bonnets
Did we have bonnets ?
we did.!................
The constant strive for perfection !!!!!!
And then we processed
Jo and Andy lead the way...................................................................
.............................................Mick set the pace.
a right crew followed on behind !
..There were Musicians........
and little kids.........
There were singers and sons, there were bar men and women, all in all, a right jolly little band.
......................Through the woods we wended our way..
Not knowing there was a photographer behind every tree !
Then we judged the Bonnets , and look who won.
Later on we had the Traditional Pace Egging. All the 'growd up kids' wanted a go as well so we had two heats.
The kids went first , but look at the concentration from the adults watching points and learning techniques, is it the Olympic's next new sport.
on , chuck 'em then this ropes gettin' heavy"..
As if this wasn't enough we then had the Egg and Spoon races
Nearly there.....Whoops !
Then of course the 'Big Kids' wanted a go !
.Was this the scramble
for the line ?........
My thanks to Lucy for
most of these photos. I have been inundated with pics so be patient more will