"What 'appened was"
On Thursday afternoon some of us built a bar or two ready for Saturday, then went off to Newport folk Club {Lyceum Tavern every Thursday} to support Ali who had a booking there on the way to Miskin. Next day all hands to the pumps and get sorted.
Friday was a bit mysterious, having no bar but we made the best of it and still had a great time. I got to be even older at some point during the events and had happy birthday sung to me at least seven times, in three languages - English, Welsh and Cockney! The last two by Siwsann George who said she had practiced her cockney accent just for me !
Phil sorted the stewards
"Now when I put my hand out like this it means 'quiet please' "
Old friends got together
....................................................................no I could't think of a caption either
....we made new friends..Colin...........................
Food got going ..........
people found drink from somewhere, and singing started in the usual manner.
Robin contemplating a bottle of red food colouring!!
Friday sort of turned into Saturday and we just sort of carried on
The Music Hall got going after a reshuffle and a bit of pressganging,
Professor Rodger Evans soon had it all under control ........
Marcus played the overture
I'm I'm not too sure what Eirwen was doing here, but I bet there's a story behind it !.........................
and if you missed Russel as a six year old you missed a high spot.
"She is six and a quarter and I'm only six years old"
And surprising everyone, especially me, with their natural rapport and obvious juggling skills in their first public performance
And of course what would the Old Time Music Hall be without the community singalong?
And still the singers sang
The Afternoon Concert
A full list of performers as usual, just a few pictures to give you a reminder of the afternoon or to show you what you missed!
Terry & Ann Parsons (Newport Folk Club)
Ali & Steve
Tony & Lesley ( Capella )
Annie & Kath ( Kathannie )
Ned & Ian
Phil & Patti
A proud moment as I present the Harry Prigg award to Mick Tems,
"for coming back to us"
Loads more picures to come but for now have a look at some of Sunday