"What 'appened was"

On Thursday afternoon some of us built a bar or two ready for Saturday, then went off to Newport folk Club {Lyceum Tavern every Thursday} to support Ali who had a booking there on the way to Miskin. Next day all hands to the pumps and get sorted.

Friday was a bit mysterious, having no bar but we made the best of it and still had a great time. I got to be even older at some point during the events and had happy birthday sung to me at least seven times, in three languages - English, Welsh and Cockney! The last two by Siwsann George who said she had practiced her cockney accent just for me !


Phil sorted the stewards

"Now when I put my hand out like this it means 'quiet please' "


Old friends got together

....................................................................no I could't think of a caption either


....we made new friends..Colin...........................


Food got going ..........


people found drink from somewhere, and singing started in the usual manner.


Robin contemplating a bottle of red food colouring!!


Friday sort of turned into Saturday and we just sort of carried on



The Music Hall got going after a reshuffle and a bit of pressganging,


...... Professor Rodger Evans soon had it all under control ........

. Marcus played the overture

I'm I'm not too sure what Eirwen was doing here, but I bet there's a story behind it !.........................


and if you missed Russel as a six year old you missed a high spot.

"She is six and a quarter and I'm only six years old"


And surprising everyone, especially me, with their natural rapport and obvious juggling skills in their first public performance

..Owen .......&......Toby...


And of course what would the Old Time Music Hall be without the community singalong?


And still the singers sang



The Afternoon Concert


A full list of performers as usual, just a few pictures to give you a reminder of the afternoon or to show you what you missed!

Terry & Ann Parsons (Newport Folk Club)

Ali & Steve

Tony & Lesley ( Capella )

Annie & Kath ( Kathannie )


Ned & Ian


Phil & Patti


A proud moment as I present the Harry Prigg award to Mick Tems,

"for coming back to us"


Loads more picures to come but for now have a look at some of Sunday

Click on the Easter Tree