Our Charitable Deeds

Giving something back

Since the very earliest days of Miskinfolk I have always tried to help a suitable worthy cause. At first it was just a few pounds to local hospices or care homes.

Last year thanks to Hilary and her brilliant team of extortionists/ ticket sellers and other little fun money grabbing schemes (see details here), we raised the magnificant sum of £510

This was sent to the Ben Dauncey Morris Dance Appeal and split between their two chosen Charities

The MS Society?
….is the UK's largest charity dedicated to supporting everyone whose life is touched by MS

Make-A-Wish Foundation® UK

Who try to grant the wishes of young people living with life-threatening illnesses.


We have also made donations to

The Welsh Breast Cancer Appeal

The new Isle of Wight Chemotherapy Unit

Previously we have been able to support

The Rose Road Association

A local shelter for the homeless

Ty Hafen, the Children's Hospice in Wales.

Holme Towers Cancer Hospital

Mid Glamorgan Psychiatric Unit

A Respite home in Miskin Village

Also small grants to local charitable causes

Keep up the good work!!!

What about this year ??

This year a proportion of any money raised will go to the Mudcat Cafe.

Although based in America you wouldn't think so by the number of regular users in the UK. It is an invaluable source of information and help. By direct chat with other members you can have the most obscure, usually music related query answered.

The Mudcat Digital Tradition database is an incredible source of song words. Sheet music and midi files are also available. It costs nothing to join but a lot to keep going so please help.

Many regulars at Miskin are already well aware of Mudcat and the community it has developed. It has been a major help in publicising and organising Miskin, so I am only too happy to give something back.

Hilary (MGAS in Mudcat speak - you ask her why), will once again be Mudraffling; aided no doubt by Selchie and other Mudcatters. Please enter into the spirit and give generously.

