Liz Randall
& Mary Barr
Mary Barr’s grandmother and
father were both singers, in fact, her father is still singing publicly
even though he is in his eighties. She started singing and playing
guitar at the Croydon Folksong Club in 1972, singing her way round
many of the London clubs during the later years of the folk revival.
She continued to sing and play in the Home Counties until babies
took over her life.
Mary started singing again when she moved to Sussex where she added
percussion and piano accordion to her range of instruments.
Now a resident at The Seaford Folk Club Mary is also a regular artist,
with The Travelling Folk in West Kent, performing with them at festivals
including Upton and Broadstairs.

with Liz Randall, Mary runs singing and accordion workshops at several
festivals including Broadstairs, Miskin and Walton.
Liz learned many of her early songs from her mother and began singing
publicly in Bristol folk clubs in 1966 when she was a student. She
took up singing again in the 80s.
Liz played keyboard with the Fokus Country Dance Band and now plays
with The Bonny Black Hare and, as a duo, has even played on the
cross channel rail link.
For a while she sang in the three-part harmony group One Night Stand.
She has been a resident of The Tonbridge club, Nellies, is currently
a resident at Seaford Folk Club in Sussex, and sings and plays piano
accordion with The Travelling Folk. Liz sings with Mick Lynn as
Liz & Mick and with Mary Barr as Magwitch.
In recent years Mary and Liz have sung with the Shellback Chorus
and performed at festivals together as Magwitch, which is primarily
(but not exclusively), a shanty duo. They sing traditional and contemporary
songs, many from the south east of England. They have appeared at
Broadstairs, Upton and Walton Festivals.
Mary and Liz are both experienced MCs and also regularly run music,
singing and mixed sessions and singarounds. They, along with Mary’s
husband Ian, co-organise the very popular ‘TTF Sussex Song
and Ale’.