Mary Humphreys
and Anahata

A late addition to our programme,
I am very pleased to welcome Anahata and Mary. A blend of Welsh
and English , how appropriate for Miskin.
Mary sings the Tradition both in
English and Welsh (she is originally from Wrexham) and accompanies
herself on Concertina and Banjo. Anahata provides accompaniment
on melodeons, Concertina and Cello. They also play musical arrangements
of mostly English music.
Together since 2001 they have featured at many festivals including
Sidmouth and have two recordings in their own right while also contributing
to several others.
Have a listen here to a short
snippet from their first CD "Through
the Groves"
Then pop over to their
own extensive site for news of their two later CDs including
hot off the presses - "Floating Verses"; also lots more
pictures info and sounds.