
An integral part of Miskin,
Kathy brings boundless enthusiasm every year. I'm especially pleased
she will be with us this year as this was in some doubt for a while.
True Miskin spirit has prevailed though, in the guise of Mike Gibson,
so although Kathy has to leave early she will be with us until Sunday
lunchtime, for the important Daniels Band Easter Song Session. The
Story Walk will take place Saturday evening.
Kath's incredible high, clear voice
has been described as, "Silver light falling out of Heaven
and trickling down your spine" and can be heard silencing rowdy
pubs, stunning singarounds across the country, as well as adding
the harmonic cherry to the West Gallery cake.
Her repertoire is equally amazing,
spanning everything from newly written songs through music hall,
blues and jazz to traditional folksong.
Then there is the storytelling.
A teller in the Bardic tradition, she is steeped in the fabric of
the legends of Cornwall, such a delight to listen to in these days
when storytelling seems to consist mainly of the telling of elongated
jokes. Her proficiency is shown by the fact that she held the Sidmouth
International and Chippenham Festival trophies at the same time
- the latter for three years running and which she now holds in