Copper Kettle

Brian Firth
and Michael Forsyth
A hearty welcome back to two hearty
lads. They were with us a couple of years ago and it is great to
have them back. More new songs and still the infectious warmth,
a careful mix of humour and thought provoking words.
Just to wet your appetite here
are a couple of snatches from their latest CD
Guitars and a Song"

Sixties Anthem" ....... Ah yes!! Were those indeed
the days?
his World" ...... A strong reminder that alongside
our secure folk world there is a harsh reality that thankfully most
of us are spared from.
here's a couple more
from their first CD "Kettles On"
Are Just Like Paintings On The Wall"
And My Brother Sam"
Now nip over to the Copper
Kettle Website for more info and a chance to buy a
cd so you can sing along with them at Miskin.