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Jan and Her Van


Getting Jan to bring her special brand of Magic to Miskin really was the icing on the cake for me. From the first time I moved to the Easter weekend I knew it was important to make it as family friendly as possible. I don't actually remember how Jan got involved, but I'm sure it was one of those lovely tingle moments I get every so often when things just fall into place. It really wouldn't be the same without Jan at Miskin, welcome back you lovely person.

This is Jan in a quieter moment


And this is how we know her, in total control of the children



yes that includes me!

And then there's the Labyrinth,

the Costumes

and the Procession


Jan does so much for us all, adults and children alike, this is her view on it:

"I believe that this entertainment, by encouraging participation and self-expression, and by transcending barriers of age and race, provides an enjoyable and enlivening experience and makes a valuable contribution to society."

Now go look at Jan's site for pictures and info

Or pop back to last year for a few more pictures