The Roll of Honour
1998 ......... Kathannie for "Hannah"
1999 ......... John Heslop for "Old Soldiers"
2000......... Cappella for all sorts of songs and the right sense of fun!
There was no award in 2001, as there was no Miskin weekend !!!
2002........ Mick Tems, for "coming back"
2003 ....... Harriet Earis and Colman Connolly for their wonderful music and smiles.
For 10 years of Miskin events. I've lost count of how many weekends there have actually been but its about 15 I think including Winter Warmers. I am proud to have made so many friends over the years and to be able to invite them back every year to my own special party is a priviledge.
2005 ......Mash (Tom, Rosanna and Louise)
As for the tingle moment this was a frequent occurence watching last years winners. To see such depth and enthusiasm from such youngsters was a joy to behold.
But lots of tingle moments.