The Isle of Wight Folk Scene


As I now spend half my time living on the Island and getting more and more involved I thought I'd just sneak a mention in here. For many regular Miskinites, the Island is actually nearer than Wales!

The Island enjoys a very healthy folk scene, including at least three Morris sides.

There are several Pub Sessions on the island, Notably the Tuesday evening music and song at the Dairyman's Daughter, part of the Arreton Barns complex.

The famous Sloop Inn at Wooton Bridge had been holding weekly sessions but is now closed for refurbishment and the new landlords will not be applying for a music licence. (This does not of course cover loud Juke boxes or TVs just real people playing real instruments, or even, heaven forbid, singing unaccompanied.) Whoops, was I getting a bit political there? Well it fair makes my blood boil!!!


To restore the balance meanwhile there's a brand new Club keeping Tradition in the forefront:~ We have moved to a new venue, in fact one of the oldest Folk Venues on the Island, great little pub in a very accessible part of the Island.

Downland Folk Club

meets Monthly on every Second Friday

Watch out ! no meeting in May

at the Castle Inn, Newport

A chance to hear traditional song and music
in a quiet comfortable, no smoking room.
Arrive early and add your name to the singers list if you have a song or tune for us.
Or why not just come along for a listen and enjoy joining in the choruses.

Loads more Folk Music on the Island have a look here

With a bit of planning a weeks folk tour could work!!!