Tony Petty
and Lesley Massey
Can you imagine Miskin
without these two, we tried it a couple of years ago - didn't like
If you've not seen this
wonderful duo in action before look out for their magical blend
of harmonies and wicked sense of humour. They have a CD of course,
Capella - Common Ground.(Listen
here) This small sample shows the quality all the Miskin regulars
and an increasing band of followers all over the country have come
to expect from these two rather special people. Oh all right here's
another quick burst ! How's that for tingle factor?
enough to win them the Harry Prigg Memorial
Trophy at Miskin at Easter 2000.
The two, low quality, tracks-
The Wraggle Taggle Gypsies
and Sea Never Dry, are
from Common Ground HatCD 025